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Financial Aid 101 | The Guidebook on Negotiating College Financial Aid
So your child got accepted to college and the school even gave you financial aid - that's great!
But unfortunately, the amount they offered you wasn't enough, and you are worried that you won't be able to send your...
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How to Find the Right College With the 5 | 10 | 20 Rule - Using Data to Influence Your College Search
How to Find the Right College With the 5 | 10 | 20 Rule
Using Data to help influence your college search.
You want your child to attend a good college, and you want the investment of time and money to be...
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Should High School Students Take Honors & AP Classes? | 3 Reasons Why All College Bound Kids Should Take Challenging Courses
Hey there!
There seems to be a lot of confusion about whether high school students should take AP and Honors classes or not.
Maybe the better question to ask is if your child is ready for these classes? If they are...
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